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Contributing to Ory


For an introduction to contributions please refer to the specific project, for example the Contribution Guidelines for Ory Kratos.

This document is a work in progress and documents the inner workings of the Ory GitHub ecosystem and project structures, as well as providing more in-depth tips & guides to contributors. If you feel there is something missing or should be added, please open an issue in ory/docs or contact us in the Ory Chat. We also offer discussions on GitHub for all major projects: Ory Kratos, Ory Hydra, Ory Keto, Ory Oathkeeper, as well as one for all other Ory projects, events and content: Ory Meta discussions.

Releasing Software​

To release a project, run the following bash command in the root of the project you would like to release. The first argument can be one of:

  • patch bumps v1.2.3 to v1.2.4 (doesn't work for pre-releases such as v1.2.3-beta.1)
  • minor bumps v1.2.3 to v1.3.0 (doesn't work for pre-releases such as v1.2.3-beta.1)
  • major bumps v1.2.3 to v2.0.0 (doesn't work for pre-releases such as v1.2.3-beta.1)
  • Any semver-valid version, for example v1.2.3-beta.1
bash <(curl -s $release_as

Defining Release Config​

For the scripts to work, the project must be located in a directory structure that reflects the GitHub organisation and repository name, for example: path/to/ory/hydra.


We use goreleaser.

The listed configuration options should be included in every .goreleaser.yml config. Make sure you set env vars and go mod download and run e.g. packr2 and other tools first:

- GO111MODULE=on

- go mod download
# - go install
# - packr2

Tag -alpha.1 and other pre-release tags as pre-release on GitHub:

prerelease: auto

Name snapshot releases -next:

name_template: '{{ .Tag }}-_next'

If you create a new goreleaser config, you may also want to create the following empty GitHub repositories:

Build and publish on Docker. You need to create a repository on Docker Hub first!

# Build dockerfiles
- dockerfile: Dockerfile
- 'oryd/$PROJECT_NAME:v{{ .Major }}'
- 'oryd/$PROJECT_NAME:v{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}'
- 'oryd/$PROJECT_NAME:v{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}.{{ .Patch }}'
- 'oryd/$PROJECT_NAME:latest'

If you add Scoop (Homebrew for Windows) you must also create a GitHub repository under the ory org named scoop-$PROJECT_NAME (e.g. scoop-hydra).

owner: ory
name: scoop-$PROJECT_NAME
name: aeneasr

If you add Homebrew you must also create a GitHub repository under the ory org named homebrew-$PROJECT_NAME (e.g. homebrew-hydra).

- github:
owner: ory
name: homebrew-$PROJECT_NAME
name: aeneasr

We use the following replacements:

- replacements:
darwin: macOS
386: 32-bit
amd64: 64-bit
- goos: windows
format: zip

Update install script​

When you have finalized changes to the .goreleaser.yml, run:

$ GO111MODULES=off go get -u
$ godownloader .goreleaser.yml --repo=$(basename $(dirname $(pwd)))/$(basename $(pwd)) > ./


Define CI Environment Variables:

  • Make sure you set GITHUB_TOKEN in the project's CI config.
  • Make sure you set MAILCHIMP_API_KEY in the project's CI config.
  • Make sure you set DOCKER_USER in the project's CI config.
  • Make sure you set DOCKER_TOKEN in the project's CI config.

In the project's CircleCI config (.circleci/config.yml), use the following workflow (please use an appropriate $VERSION):

goreleaser: ory/goreleaser@0.1.7
slack: circleci/slack@3.4.2

- goreleaser/test:
only: /.*/
- goreleaser/release:
- goreleaser/test
ignore: /.*/
only: /.*/

- goreleaser/newsletter-draft:
chimp-list: f605a41b53
chimp-segment: 6478605
- goreleaser/release
only: /.*/
- slack/approval-notification:
message: Pending approval
channel: release-automation
- goreleaser/newsletter-draft
only: /.*/
- newsletter-approval:
type: approval
- goreleaser/newsletter-draft
only: /.*/
- goreleaser/newsletter-send:
chimp-list: f605a41b53
- newsletter-approval
only: /.*/


We use our own CircleCI Orbs:


Enables nancy vulnerability scanning for the repository.

nancy: ory/nancy@0.0.9

- nancy/test:
only: /.*/


Checking for vulnerabilities​


This is done automatically by GitHub


# Outside of a go module-enabled project:
$ go get -u

# Inside your go module-enabled project:
$ go mod list -m all | nancy

Pinning indirect go module dependencies.​

Sometimes a project has an indirect dependency (another dependency requires that dependency) which doesn't pass, for example, nancy vulnerability scanning. Because it's not possible to pin this dependency to a specific version, we need to explicitly require it. But because it's not directly required by our code, it will be pruned when using go mod tidy. To prevent that, create a file which imports the dependency without use:

// +build go_mod_indirect_pins

package main

import _ ""

You would do the same if the project uses dev tools such as packr2, goimports, goreturns, swagutil, ... as part of e.g. the Makefile or other scripts.


DBAL gobuffalo/pop​

Table Names​

Please define custom table names for all table structs. Keep in mind that TableName() must be a value receiver, not a pointer receiver, for slices []Model to work properly:

-func (m *Model) TableName(ctx context.Context) string {
+func (m Model) TableName(ctx context.Context) string {
return "foo"

SQL Migrations​

Ory uses a lightweight DBAL across all projects that require a database. This DBAL is typically stored in the persistence/ directory. Since we only support SQL at the moment - there are no plans to add new databases and contributions won't be accepted due to maintenance effort - you will find the implementation in persistence/sql.


This section only applies to Ory Kratos and Ory Keto. Ory Hydra is using an approach that doesn't rely on fizz migrations. Please discuss with maintainers before making changes to the Ory Hydra SQL schemata.

In order to provide a process to upgrade SQL schemata, we use migrations. These migrations are generated using the fizz language and then rendered to SQL using the Ory CLI.

This is necessary because there are differences between the SQL "dialects" of SQLite (doesn't support certain ALTER TABLE statements for example), PostgreSQL, MySQL, and CockroachDB.

To change the schema, create a new fizz template using:

# In the project root - e.g. /kratos
$ make .bin/ory

# If make .bin/ory fails use:
# $ make .bin/cli
# and replace `.bin/ory` with `.bin/cli`.
# We're working on streamlining this
# across all repos.

$ .bin/ory dev pop migration create persistence/sql/migrations/templates descriptive_change

This will create two new files:

$ ls -la persistence/sql/migrations/templates | tail -n 2
-rw-r--r-- 1 foobar staff 0 Apr 28 17:25 20210428172500_descriptive_change.down.fizz
-rw-r--r-- 1 foobar staff 0 Apr 28 17:25 20210428172500_descriptive_change.up.fizz

Add you fizz migrations there. The up file is for applying your schema changes, the down file for reverting them.

Once your migrations are added, it's time to render them to SQL. Make sure that Docker is running and execute:

$ .bin/ory dev pop migration render persistence/sql/migrations/templates persistence/sql/migrations/sql

If you encounter errors you can also try running this with the --replace option but please let maintainers know that you used --replace in your PR:

$ .bin/ory dev pop migration render --replace persistence/sql/migrations/templates persistence/sql/migrations/sql

This will render your migrations to SQL files. Add them to git (git add -A) and commit them.

Next, you need to update the migration tests. To do so, run the sync command:

$ .bin/ory dev pop migration sync persistence/sql/migrations/templates persistence/sql/migratest/testdata

This will add create a new SQL file:

$ ls -la  persistence/sql/migratest/testdata | tail -n 1
-rw-r--r-- 1 foobar staff 0 Apr 28 17:28 20210428172500_testdata.sql

Add an INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE statement that reflects the changes you have made to the schema to the file. Let's say you added a new column new_column to table bar. In that case, write an INSERT statement that reflects this:

INSERT INTO bar (old_column, new_column) VALUES ('foo', 'bar');

Next, execute the tests:

$ cd persistence/sql/migratest
$ go test -tags sqlite ./...

The tests will probably fail because the fixtures need to be updated. To update them, run:

$ cd persistence/sql/migratest
$ go test -tags sqlite,refresh -short .

You might need to run the go test command two or three times before all fixtures have been updated.

That's it! :)

OpenAPI Spec and Go Swagger​

We use go-swagger to generate OpenAPI Spec from source code. Here you can find conventions we use across the code base.


Models should have a descriptive title, a body, and be camelCase. It's good practice to scope the model where needed.

package some

// Title
// A description with a trailing dot.
// swagger:model someSpecificModel
type SpecificModel struct {}


Routes should use tags for versioning. If a route is accessible through a privileged port (e.g. admin) it should be prefixed with admin.

// swagger:route POST /identities v0alpha1 adminCreateIdentity

Public endpoints don't need a prefix.

// swagger:route POST /something-public v0alpha1 somethingPublic


Parameters for routes should have the same name as the route. If they have a body, you must not use an embedded struct and the struct's model name should be suffixed Body:

// swagger:parameters adminCreateIdentity
// nolint:deadcode,unused
type adminCreateIdentity struct {
// in: body
Body adminCreateIdentityBody

// swagger:model adminCreateIdentityBody
type adminCreateIdentityBody struct {
// SchemaID is the ID of the JSON Schema to be used for validating the identity's traits.
// required: true
SchemaID string `json:"schema_id"`

// Traits represent an identity's traits. The identity is able to create, modify, and delete traits
// in a self-service manner. The input will always be validated against the JSON Schema defined
// in `schema_url`.
// required: true
Traits json.RawMessage `json:"traits"`

// swagger:route POST /identities v0alpha1 adminCreateIdentity


Where possible use models for responses.

// A list of identities.
// swagger:model identityList
// nolint:deadcode,unused
type identityList []Identity

// swagger:route GET /identities v0alpha0 adminListIdentities
// List Identities
// Lists all identities. Doesn't support search at the moment.
// Learn how identities work in [Ory Kratos' User And Identity Schema Documentation](
// Produces:
// - application/json
// Schemes: http, https
// Responses:
// 200: identityList
// 500: jsonError

IDE Tips​



While running tests inside the IDE make sure you have the tag -tags sqlite in the "Go Tool Arguments". In the example screenshot we're looking at login_test.go and add it to the Run/Debug Configurations.

Go Tool Arguments Configuration Screenshot


Debugging Tests​

Jetbrains IDEs have an SQL debugger, that can open sqlite files. When debugging tests, you can set a bool flag to use an sqlite file instead of in-mem and then debug after the test failed. Example:

func GetSqlite(t testing.TB, mode sqliteMode) *DsnT {
dsn := &DsnT{
MigrateUp: true,
MigrateDown: false,

switch mode {
case SQLiteMemory:
dsn.Name = "memory"
dsn.Conn = fmt.Sprintf("sqlite://file:%s?_fk=true&cache=shared&mode=memory", t.Name())
case SQLiteFile:
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = os.Remove("TestDB.sqlite")
case SQLiteDebug:
dsn.Name = "sqlite"
dsn.Conn = "sqlite://file:TestDB.sqlite?_fk=true"

return dsn

Screenshot of Jetbrains SQL debugger, Fast!

To transfer the above to Kratos:

  • Change the DSN to the following: dsn.Conn = "sqlite://file:TestDB.sqlite?_fk=true".
  • mode=memor.
  • In case you have an sqlite file, migrators aren't automatically applied. Run them manually first with the CLI.

VS Code​


  • Under Settings, search for Go: Test Tags.
  • Click Edit in settings.json. Screenshot of VSCode Search
  • Add the following KV to the settings.json: "go.testTags": "sqlite",. Screenshot of VScode settings.json