Ory Hydra tries to solve all of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect uses. There are, however, some limitations.
MySQL <= 5.6 / MariaDB​
Ory Hydra has issues with MySQL <= 5.6 (but not MySQL 5.7+) and certain MariaDB versions. Read more about this here. Our recommendation is to use MySQL 5.7+ or PostgreSQL.
OAuth 2.0 Client Secret Length​
OAuth 2.0 Client Secrets are hashed using BCrypt. BCrypt has, by design, a maximum password length. The Golang BCrypt library has a maximum password length of 73 bytes. Any password longer will be "truncated":
hydra clients create --id long-secret \
--secret 525348e77144a9cee9a7471a8b67c50ea85b9e3eb377a3c1a3a23db88f9150eefe76e6a339fdbc62b817595f53d72549d9ebe36438f8c2619846b963e9f43a94 \
--endpoint http://localhost:4445 \
--token-endpoint-auth-method client_secret_post \
--grant-types client_credentials
hydra token client --client-id long-secret \
--client-secret 525348e77144a9cee9a7471a8b67c50ea85b9e3eb377a3c1a3a23db88f9150eefe76e6a3 \
--endpoint http://localhost:4444
For more information on this topic we recommend reading:
- Does bcrypt have a maximum password length?
- Pre-hash password before applying bcrypt to avoid restricting password length
Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Type (ROPC)​
Ory Hydra doesn't and won't implement the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Type. Read on for context.
This grant type allows OAuth 2.0 Clients to exchange user credentials (username, password) for an access token.
POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
You might think that this is the perfect grant type for your first-party application. This grant type is most commonly used in mobile authentication for first-party apps. If you plan on doing this, stop right now and read this blog article.
Legacy & Bad Security​
The ROPC grant type is discouraged by developers, professionals, and the IETF itself. It was originally added because big legacy corporations (not dropping any names, but they're part of the IETF consortium) didn't want to migrate their authentication infrastructure to the modern web but instead do what they've been doing all along "but OAuth 2.0" and for systems that want to upgrade from OAuth (1.0) to OAuth 2.0.
There are a ton of good reasons why this is a bad flow, they're summarized in this excellent blog article as well.
What about Auth0, Okta, ...?​
Auth0, Okta, Stormpath started with OAuth 2.0 SaaS and adopted the ROPC grant too. They since deprecated these old flows but still have them active as existing apps rely on them.